3.12.2007 | 21:19
Dear diary.
Mood: Articulate
so, i“ve been talking about doing a blog in english for a while, well out in the real world at least, so i decided to just do it.
in the i had to wake up at eight “o clock and be at work nine, awfull, wanted to just rip my arm out of the Krónan shirt and cut it.
9-4 job.
hate it.
after work i met with Hrefna, that meeting saved my days, we went to Eirdķs and we all emo-d a bit, yay.
ok, the day is basically work, work and mooore work.
now i have noticed that most shoppers today are, well what can i say... just totally lost, here are some notes about assholes.
1. they never look for wares, they ask for them after a 4 sec look in the wrong hallway ( gangur ).
2. they always ask where they get bags even if they're standing in front of them.
3. they nag abour a 5-8 kr difference in the prince.
4. they smell like horseshit.
5. the have screaming kids who mabe piss on the floor and they make us the workers clean it up even if we hand them paper towels.
6. they speak their foreign language and expect us to understand them.
7. some old people who are having a bad day make their bad mood hit us, honestly we could be their grandchildren!
8. They insult us shopworkers, who have never made a harm to their life, like this one time, when i was just started, in like, february this guy who had kids with him, like 6 or 8 year olds and i stuttered once during the "shopping converstation" and he asked if i was a moron! in Icelandic he said: " įttu eitthvaš bįgt?" in a really insulting tone, my face went red my voice wasn't quite as deep as i was and that really screwed my day up. the next day a woman with the same kids wich the man had with him the other day came and the kids actually apoligized for their dad, he couldn't even face a thirteen year-old.
well i have to go now, here are some ramdom videos and pics.
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